Slaves would be imported from Africa and would usually come in large ships. They'd be crammed in tight spaces and chained to the floor. Upon the long journey to America, there would be no bathrooms so they'd end up defecating on themselves, this would lead to horrible smells and they'd have to withstand that for the rest of the journey, but that wasn't the only thing. Some would become very ill and end up dying on the way and the rest of the slaves had to deal with the smell of rotting flesh throughout the whole trip. …show more content…
Slaves did several different types of back-breaking work with little to no rest, if they refused to do their jobs or even were too exhausted to keep working they would meet with cruel or unusual punishments. Some of those punishments consisted of mutilating, lynching, and even rape. To make things worst, everyone in favor of slavery even tried to justify it and racism by stating that Africans weren't really humans just because they were “different” or even came up with lies saying that they had smaller brains. Disregarding their hard work, slaves would never receive pay and would work until they