Similarly, Brazil was having industrialization problems since Portuguese officials were denying the expansion of agriculture. However, industry thrived in Brazil because so many people had invested their time in it. People were reliant on agriculture and industry to keep the economy running. Vargas took control of Brazil in 1930, made huge economic developments while he was in power. According to the article, The Life, and Policies of Brazilian President Getulio Vargas - analysis of sources, Vargas recreated tax reform, implemented government power of industries, and made business accountable for industrial growth. This was significant to Brazils people who lived of off the labor industry. Vargas like Fidel Castro and Che Guevara, also prevented interaction with the United States because they were being too involved. The U.S wanted to make certain investments within Brazilian structures, but it would deteriorate domestic wealth. These economic reasons strained by industry is an aspect both Brazil and Cuba endured during the same …show more content…
He talks about the importance of Cuba, specifically diversifying the agricultural system. Cuba was reliant on sugar for a long time under Batista’s rule, but it was not producing enough in order to compete with U.S trade imports.
The sugar market was dominated by a small percentage of companies, who struggled to produce sugar. This lack of industry gave the United States advantage over trade imports. The failed sugar industry led to unemployment because many of these companies only used employees during harvesting times. The rest of the year people were out of jobs, which led to poverty and even death. This lack of industrialization gave Guevara and Castro a reason to fight for more reliant crops that would benefit the industrialization complex and employment of Cuba. Similarly,
Getúlio Vargas after taking control over Brazil focused on agriculture and the economy. He focused on cotton, which was reliant on the production of coffee. Vargas implemented a reform in which companies could have the specific tools to operate the agricultural system. This meant companies were able to acquire the right machinery and workers for the production of goods. This was successful as industry rose and the economy became stable with less taxes and more