2. The purpose of due process is to make sure that laws do no treat people unfairly and that people are tried in a uniform and fair fashion.
3. Many of Kennedy's attempts to reform society and create new Federal roles were struck down because of his lack of political support in congress and a congressional unwillingness to increase public spending but, many of his policies regarding defense spending and space …show more content…
Unlike Eisenhower's brinksmanship, Kennedy's flexible response took the focus away from nuclear weapons and reemphasized conventional forces as the best tool for undertaking limited and covert operations against the USSR.
2. The Space Race was so important to the US because it showed that the US possessed a better space program compared to that of the USSR and because it showed the relative strength of the US compared to the USSR.
3. In terms of the space race and the Cuban Missile Crisis, Kennedy succeeded in accomplishing America's goals while also harming the image of the USSR. In the Bay of Pigs invasion and his involvements in Latin America, Kennedy faced failures and mixed results as his invasions failed and his involvements failed to promote much successful change and engendered much local resentment of the US.
4. President Kennedy's attempts to combat communism were different from those of previous presidents in that they incorporated multiple parts of his predecessors' strategies, such as brinksmanship in the Cuban Missile Crisis, covert operations in Cuba and Latin American, and containment in Germany and Latin