
Why Was The Tsar's Inequate To A Form Of Government?

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Why Was The Tsar's Inequate To A Form Of Government?
The major issues of social, economical and political instability combined with the class contradictions and the lost hope to be the winning power in WW1 is what triggered the February Revolution. The hungry and dissatisfied mobs of people domiciled in an Empire which was suffering from backwardness in several aspects came out to illustrate their discontent on the streets of Petrograd. Before this escalated and a large number of citizens joined the movement - one could argue that the consequences could have been limited, if a strong leader would have been in power.

The long history of struggle and rising discontent amongst the population had come to a point at which it was almost impossible to prevent the eventual outbreak. The tremendous inequalities between the hard-working peasants and the Russian Elite who constantly enjoyed the luxuries awoke the will to push for reforms. The appointed Duma, or National Assembly which was created as a result of the 1905 Revolution in order to create reforms which would benefit the people had been a great hope. However, since its power was limited and a compromise with the Tsar was required it was a challenge to undergo reforms to change the situation. The Tsar’s unwillingness for cooperation was explained by his statement of the following “I shall never agree to a representative form of government, because I consider it harmful
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The investments of economical assets in war and prioritisation in production and transportation of the goods essential for warfare led to deficit of food and other goods at home, eventually causing starvation. The outcome of devastating defeats at the fronts and the drastic discontent at home created disaffection. The majority of the population, the working class were suffering from poor working conditions, low wages and very limited spare

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