In the introduction to Martin Luther King's "Why We Can't Wait", he uses stylistic, narrative and persuasive devices to capture the reader's attention. The passage roughly describes the life for an African-American back in the 1960s. If you sit back and ponder upon that idea, the question "Why?" might come to mind. Why? What was King's reason to write this passage and how did he want to get it across to his audience? Well, let's analyze this through football knowledge.
As King attempts his pass of many stylistic ideas to his reader, they, the receiver catches the ideas and runs with it with wild imagination. King uses imagery in his passage to personalize this essay and give the reader another perspective to look at it from. He uses the little girl form Birmingham, who cares for six children and the little boy from Harlem who lives in a vermin-infested apartment with junkies and strange, dark figures rambling about, to awaken the reader's emotion and give them the image in their mind. …show more content…
The running back has a very crucial role as King hands off the ball to the narrative styles.
As he breaks for the touchdown he gives the defender a move and lays down the diction style as he eludes the defenders. King uses middle diction to get his point across. He wants the reader to see and get a feel of everything he is saying. He uses many rhetoric devices to leave the reader thinking, such as his rhetoric questions in the passage that answer them later on in the passage. A prime example was displayed on line 30 where he asked "had they shirked their duties as patriots " and was answered on lines 54-56 where it says "they worked for "their" United States in mines, on the docks and in
foundries "
As King's running back speeds up, he uses that momentum to launch into his persuasive devices which drives the reader wild. King has a set tone throughout his whole passage which emotes the feeling of the reader into the passage. He wants the reader to feel the mood he is in; he sort of puts the mood of anguish into the passage, the anguish of the black man in the 1960s; the anguish of the children who had to attend all-black, segregated schools; and the anguish of a black family getting turned around from an all-white restaurant. This is how King uses his persuasive devices.
In King's essay, he uses all of these literary tools to emote the passage to the reader; to get the reader to understand and absorb his points. King's primary purpose of this passage was to show the social aspects and conditions of African-Americans from Birmingham, Alabama to Harlem, New York back in the 1960s.