causes malnutrition. Malnutrition is a poor condition of heath caused by lack of food.
Perhaps people assume that this issue cannot possibly occur. However, agriculture is
strongly influenced by raising temperature and acid rain, which is made by gas
emission. Acid rain will make plants gradually dying and no more fruits and
vegetables for us. According to Michael Reagan, people who manage their farms in
the tropical developing nations will probably understand the reduction of productivity.
Additionally, serious weather conditions such as typhoons or monsoons, can devastate
agrarian areas and no more food for whole communities. Climate change also leads to
water pollution that will poison the ocean, and no more fish and seafood for us also.
Subsequently, some day, climate changes will cause hunger if we continue to ignore
our environment.
Protecting our environment is our responsibility because we live in it and use
its resources. Protecting our environment is equivalent to protecting our house. For
instance, when we live in a house, we cannot just live in it and disregard what is going
on with our house. It is the same thing as our environment. We ought to care our
environment since we live in it and use its resources. We must be aware that if we use
too much or we use it in a wrong way, they may be vulnerable and then run out.
Obviously, people can afford a new house, but they cannot have a new environment.
The only thing we can afford is trying to save our evnironment as soon as possible.
According to Gedden Cascadia, every kind of living beings on earth has a definite
quantity of time to survive before unavoidable extinction begins to affect it.
Therefore, we need to realize what is happening with “our house” and fix the
problems. It should be quickly implemented since it is our prime care