The dress code at most schools is unfair to us girls. According to Brenda Alvarez “ boys whose trousers sag are simply told to “pull your pants up” without further repercussion while girls are sent to the office and “forced” …show more content…
Juana Summers explains how Uthan high school digitally altered yearbook photos by add longer sleeves and necklines to the females in the photos and saying “ female students deemed to have shown too much skin”. (2). I'm sure if there was a guy in the yearbook with his shirt off or in a muscle shirt or having his pants sag, they wouldn't edit a picture of a guy to make him have a shirt, long sleeves, or even making their pants above their waist. This is irrelevant because if they don't want girls to be showing too much skin in their yearbook pictures then maybe they shouldn't be taking pictures of girls if they think they are showing too much skin.
We go to school to learn, not to be told we can't wear what we want. According to Mary Julia Kuhn “students should have the right to control their personal appearance and school administrators should be able to make rules about the educational process taking place in the schools.” (1). School is a place to learn, not a place to criticize girls buy what they wear. This shows how schools are more focused on dress code, then educating us, students. They need to stop caring so much on what we wear and care more about getting us to where we need to be in