Legalizing prostitution can be profitable and good for public health. If prostitution is legalized, they will pay taxes which would be a huge revenue gain to the county governments. Prostitutes especially women are exposed to violence from their customers. They cannot call the police since what they are doing is illegal. Legalizing prostitution will reduce violence faced by the prostitutes since they will be able to reach out to law enforcement and not fear being arrested since it will be a legal way of earning income. It would also make the sex workers healthier since they will be required by Law to use condoms and get tested for STDs regularly. Prostitutes work illegally and hence do not get labor rights like every other employed person in America. If prostitution is legalized, sex workers will get labor rights such as a safe working environment, good terms, and …show more content…
Sex is becoming a financial transaction, and a source of income undermines normal family values, relationships, and marriage. Most women are forced to prostitution due to economic needs. It reduces women to commodities to be sold, bought and abused. Legalizing it would show a clear view of the concept of gender equality since it would strengthen women's oppression by societies which are male-dominated. Legalizing prostitution may be unhealthy and dangerous to the sex workers. This is because health checks are meant to protect the clients and not the sex workers hence they are at risk of contracting STDs. Legalizing prostitution is associated with high human trafficking to meet the high demand for women to be used in the legal sex