Useless to go back there. My uncles too have all died out on me.
After my uncles all died out my aunts
next fell,
to die.
why is it I alone,
just I alone have managed to survive?
I survive.
(Kolbert 2005)
He explains how he needs to live in order to pass on the language as his whole family died and can’t do so too. He is not the same person he was when he had the language and his family too. Now he is …show more content…
He has to continue living if he wants the language not to disappear from the world and humanity. He shows his feeling by having to watch his own language, culture and identity disappear and die like his family and society did. People who learned the language their all life are dying and children aren’t being taught their original language and history, leading it to not be preserved by the world. When the people that learned and know the history and identity of the language are gone, nobody will be able to teach the children. Once they pick not to learn and remember the language anymore, their history is abandoned. Nobody in the community is fighting or teaching the language in order for it to remain and not start being endangered. Languages that are currently being taught to children, however cannot and won’t be transmitted later centuries to children are languages that are “endangered” (Hoffmann 15). The speakers of the minority