therefor many people think they are a vicious dog. This is because they were trained this way by their owner and they often fought for their life. When people dog fight they hit the dog and sometimes they don't even feed them. In my opinion i think pitbulls are awesome. they have also done so much for our country. They have served in war and saved many lives. They are loyal and can be trained. It is also a form of racism, to ban a dog breed because of its name or the way they are. These are my reasons why pitbulls should NOT be banned. They are a loving dog breed that’s just misunderstood.i hope you think the same.
therefor many people think they are a vicious dog. This is because they were trained this way by their owner and they often fought for their life. When people dog fight they hit the dog and sometimes they don't even feed them. In my opinion i think pitbulls are awesome. they have also done so much for our country. They have served in war and saved many lives. They are loyal and can be trained. It is also a form of racism, to ban a dog breed because of its name or the way they are. These are my reasons why pitbulls should NOT be banned. They are a loving dog breed that’s just misunderstood.i hope you think the same.