Conditions in factories and mines pg. 73 1. Why would factory owners not want their employees to have access to a clock or a watch?
Factory owners didn’t want their employees to have a watch or clock because then they wouldn’t be able to know what time it is. If they had a clock or watch they would stop working to look at the time and then if they realised there shift was nearly over they would slow down and not work as efficiently. 2. How were factory workers punished for not following factory rules?
The factory workers were beaten when they didn’t follow the factory rules and sometimes they were beaten so badly that they died. Not long after a few beatings the other factory workers …show more content…
started to act more wisely so that this wouldn’t happen to them. 3. Why did mining become more dangerous as mines became deeper?
Mining became much more dangerous as the mines became deeper because there were many problems such as inadequate ventilation, presence of explosive gasses only found deeper in the mines, the need to bring all the coal to the surface which was harder because it was a greater distance and that it would be difficult for them to get out of the mine if something went wrong.
4. In what ways were all members of a family engaged in coalmining?
The whole family used to engage themselves in coalmining because they all had certain jobs. The Father and Son(s) would cut the coal with picks, while the mothers and daughter(s) carried the coal to the surface. There were many different ways of doing this process. The younger girls could also crawl through narrow tunnels bringing some coal with them and the older women would climb ladders or steps with the coal. 5. What were the consequences of the inquiry by the Mines Commission in the early 1840s?
Over the next two years the Mines Commission was established, and mine workers were called to give evidence recounting their personal experiences. As a result of this, the Parliament passed the Mines Act 1842. This changed the law resulting in the prevention of girls and women and boys under the age of 10 from working underground in the …show more content…
coalmines. 7. Use source 1 to identify four dangerous or unhealthy practices that occurred in a typical nineteenth- century textile factory.
I found four dangerous or unhealthy practices that occurred in a typical nineteenth-century textile factory when using source 1. First of all there are small windows resulting in very little ventilation. Secondly Overseers used to beat the workers. Thirdly dust was spread everywhere throughout the workshop resulting in sickness and many illnesses. Lastly machines had no safety fences or guards so they were very hazardous for the workers as they could easily get injured.
Child labour pg. 75 1. In rural communities children had helped with many different tasks, so the employment of children was not new. Why did child labour become more of a problem during the industrial revolution?
Child labour became more of a problem when the industrial revolution came along because there was a much higher demand for products because of sudden growth of population. Because of this high demand, children were forced to work long hours in un-hygienic environments without any breaks. This became a problem because the children were pretty much considered slaves. 2. Why was the employment of children so attractive to the owners of textile factories?
The employment of children was so attractive to the owners of textile factories because they could afford to pay the children less than the adults so they would make more money in return. Also they didn’t have high safety demands or rights demands, and they could do things that adults could not do, such as fit in to tight spaces. 4. From source 1 identify the main types of injuries that could be suffered by piercers in a textile factory.
From source 1, I have found that the main types of injuries suffered by piercers in a textile factory are Broken bones from being beaten by the overseers, sever lung illnesses from inhaling the dust particles from the cotton around the workshop, cuts from rubbing each piercing and fatigue from long working hours without any breaks.
7. The artists who drew sources 3, 4 and 5 were attempting to present the negative side of child labour. Explain how each artist has achieved this in their drawings.
Each artist that has drawn source 3, 4 and 5 presented the negative side of child labour in several ways and one of which from source 3 is that he has drawn the boy on his hands and knees pulling a cart of coal that was chained to his leg. In source 4 you can see the negative side of child labour because there is a child hiding in the corner weeping because he doesn’t want to do his job. In source 5 the boy has bad facial expressions and body language leading me to think that he is unhappy and sad about the job he is doing, also he looks in bad condition and very scruffy.
Urban conditions and people’s health pg. 77 1. Explain two ways in which the builders of houses in the factory towns kept costs
Two ways in which the builders of the houses in the factory towns kept the costs of building them down are that they used the cheapest and easiest materials to use on the houses and the builders building as many houses as they could in one spot which lead to the houses not having backyards. Also important amenities such as water applies were ignored by the builders causing the building s to cost less, and these things we take for granted nowadays. 2. How did people living in these areas get rid of their rubbish and human waste?
People living in these areas got rid of their rubbish and human waste by throwing them out the window into the street and left to rot, as there were no organised rubbish collections in the community. There were also no sewerage pipes to remove waste and that’s why the human waste was thrown in the street and if it wasn’t the human waste was put in cesspools and these frequently overflowed. There were also open drains where the rubbish could travel down and keep the street free of as much rubbish as it could possibly could. 3. Why would disease spread quickly in towns such as Manchester and Liverpool?
Disease would spread quickly in Manchester and Liverpool because of the way that they got rid of their rubbish and disposed of their waste; this was the start of how they caught diseases. Then the diseases spread quickly because the areas were very populated. They had to rely on cesspools and because it was the city was overpopulated it caused these cesspools to overflow, contaminating rivers and wells which were their only sources of drinking water also causing them to catch diseases such as cholera and typhus. 4. Use source 1 to identify five features of early nineteenth century industrial towns that would make them unpleasant places to live.
6. Why might crime have flourished in the conditions described in this spread?
9. What is meant by the term urbanisation?
Urban conditions and people’s health pg. 79 1. Explain two differences between the Old Poor Law and the New Poor Law.
2. What was the Poor Rate?
3. Why was there a deliberate policy to make the workhouse an unpleasant place to live?
4. In what types of activities were workhouse inmates employed?