Foreign investment is important to many states. There are trillions of dollars that are invested internationally every year. In 2016 it is estimated that $1.85 trillion were invested globally. With that much money invested in other states, the last thing on the states minds will be war. Many companies do not only invest money, but they invest in multi national corporations which allows …show more content…
Many people have the belief that war is the answer to fixing economies. The job market explodes when countries go to war, however this is not the only answer. In many ways, peace is a better answer. If countries were on good terms, and opened their trade market to each other, peace is likely to follow. This allows for trade agreements to ensue, job opportunities to open, and a multitude of other options. Countries will not willingly go to war with a country that they have good relations with, democracy or not. People are less likely to cause conflict when they are benefitting form each …show more content…
Whether they intend on doing so or not, it often puts them in discourse with many. The Vietnam war was fought solely on the purpose of controlling the spread of communism. However, the fight was not won by the United states, and today Vietnam continues to be a communist country. They have one of Asia’s fastest growing economies. While they are politically communist, they have adopted a capitalist economy. Which further proves that states that adopt a capitalist economy are moving forward, and progressing, even though they aren’t