The Winter Season is the Best Amongst Them All
The winter season is the best season amongst the 4 that occur in Canada. The winter season has the most spirit, is the most comfortable, and is the safest health wise. The winter season has holidays that every kid impatiently waits for, and has outdoor pond hockey unlike any other season. Whereas in the summer you’re hot and dehydrated while mosquitoes attack you, and it harder to sleep when it’s hot compared to when it’s cold.
No other season has the holiday spirit that is present in the winter. The winter has multiple holidays that everyone looks forward to, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Valentines Day, New Years Eve/Day, and the best of all Christmas. The smell of the ginger bread cookies that the mothers make is the traditional Christmas holiday scent. While the mothers are cooking the older sons are hanging the Christmas lights with their fathers. The mothers and daughters decorating the house and Christmas tree while the younger kids are writing up their Christmas wish lists to send to the North Pole. The little girls go out side to build some snowmen while the boys go play some shinny with their friends on the frozen pond. Whereas in the summer there is no pond hockey, no presents, and no holiday spirit. Only unpleasant things await ones presence in the summer. As the summer season comes around, it won’t wont have any presents, ginger bread cookies, frozen pond hockey, or a nice cool night of sleep waiting for you.
The winter is the most comfortable and stress-free amongst all the seasons in Canada. When the kids are done building their snowman’s, or finished playing shinny with their friends on the frozen pond, they can go back inside and enjoy a nice hot chocolate (http://ghostlittle.blogspot.ca/2011/05/21-winter-is-better-than-summer.htmlby) the warmth of the roaring fire. In comparison the summer will only have bloodthirsty mosquitoes ready to attack, a scorching hot sun ready
Cited: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080930065312AAGlbMn http://ghostlittle.blogspot.ca/2011/05/21-winter-is-better-than-summer.html http://quizchampion.blogspot.com