I think that because Donald Trump was elected people are going to start being even more racist than they already are. I think this because it is already happening. Just a few days ago at a school some students wrote on another student's car and on the car it said,"go back to where you came from!" and of course many other people have had this happen to them ever since the Elections. I think that …show more content…
I don't know very much about him but the things I do know I don't like. If I could vote I think that I would vote Hillary Clinton for president. I would do this because she supports everyone and from what I know she thinks that everyone is equal. I also would vote for her because she could make history and help more people than Donald Trump could. I think that if i could make laws I would let Obama be president for four more years because he has done so many good things for us and he could do more. I think that he will still be helping even if he isn't president because of how good he was at being president.
In conclusion, I think that Donald Trump should not be president. I also think that many people made the mistake of voting him. I would have chosen Hillary but now we have to live with Trump. I don't him but I think that he will at least make one good thing and make a change whether it is good or