The people in the United States eat a lot of avocados. This delicious fruit is loaded with nutrients and offers many health benefits. Actually, according to research, people who eat avocados regularly have lower Body Mass Index, have higher nutrient intake and are healthier in general. Here are some of the reasons why avocados are so beneficial for your health.
Loaded with nutrients Avocados are loaded with nutrients. In fact, only one avocado provides you with 20 different vitamins and minerals. Here is what recommended daily amount of vitamins and minerals you can find in 1 avocado:
• Vitamin K – 53%
• Folate – 41%
• Vitamin C – 33%
• Potassium – 28%
• Pantothenic acid – 28%
• Vitamin B6 …show more content…
Losing weight According to research, avocados can help you in your weight loss process as they make you fell full and satisfied for a long time. The participants in these studies were 40% less hungry after 3 hours. They were 28% less hungry after 5 hours and their desire for snacking reduced as well.
Diabetes prevention Avocados are able to keep the blood sugar levels normal, which reduces the risk of diabetes. According to data, 40% of the people in the US are affected by diabetes at some point in their lives. In the studies carried out on this subject, the participants ate half an avocado together with their lunch. Then, their insulin and blood glucose levels were measured. There was no increase in the insulin and blood sugar levels even though there was an increase in the intake of carbohydrates and calories.
Avocados against chronic inflammation Most modern diseases like asthma, cancer, allergies, heart disease, Alzheimer’s, arthritis and many more are caused by chronic inflammation. Avocados contain monounsaturated fat called oleic acid that is effective against any type of chronic