Five years pass and the students, both male and female, earn the degree they have set their heart on.
Now, they are applying for jobs. One male graduate and one female graduate are hired at the same hospital for the same occupation. However, the male is receiving for compensation than the female. Why? They both went to Marywood University, took the same required classes and liberal arts core classes, graduated with amazing grades, paid the same amount for college tuition to go to Marywood, yet the male earns more money for doing the same job as the female. Emma Watson made several remarkable points during her speech on gender equality at the UN. The following sentences were from her speech: “My life is a sheer privilege because my parents didn’t love me less because I was born a daughter. My school did not limit me because I was a girl. My mentors didn’t assume that I would go less far because I might give birth to a child one day.”
Women grow up and are raised the same was as men are. Why must jobs pay women less for doing the same job men do, but they are born a
female? Feminism is word that is taken and reworded by some people to make it seem like it is an awful thing. People believe that feminism is when women conquer men. That is the opposite. Feminism is when women and men have equal rights. For the male student and the female student who went to Marywood University, paid the same price for tuition, took the same necessary courses and the liberal arts core classes, graduated with a degree and applied for same job at the same hospital, and the male graduate is paid more should not exist. Both men and women do the same amount of work, even women do more work, yet men acquire more from it. This is something that needs to change.