
Wickedness In Lord Of The Flies And The Holy Bible

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Often we wonder if we are “good” or “evil,” but we also question what makes us either or. Is it something we are born into or do our millions of different circumstances affect the way we behave? I believe that humans are inherently evil, and that society sets laws in order to keep our evils from seeping out. Lord of the Flies and the Holy Bible are excellent examples of how natural human instincts call us to sinful acts.
When the word maleficent is mentioned you think of Sleeping Beauty’s evil sorceress that cursed Princess Aurora to sleep until prince charming lays a kiss upon her lips. Have you ever considered that the human race is just as spiteful as Maleficent, but we are taught to act good. In Lord of the Flies, a group of British boys are stranded on a island during World War 2. At first they are very proper and even set up rules, but as the novel progresses you can see the natural wickedness in the human race make itself present. For instance, the author describes how the “desire to squeeze and hurt was over-mastering” (Golding 115). Ralph had never killed a pig in the book nor felt the thrill described by the other boys. When
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Before people knew about God they performed sinful acts which were despised in the eyes of God. The verse is telling us that humans were full of sin. The Ten Commandments give us a basic structure on how we should behave. It helps us to remember that doing bad things such as stealing, killing, lying, committing adultery, etc. is not okay, and that instead we should be doing good in the world. Even though our natural instincts tempt us to make bad choices, the Ten Commandments remind us that good is better than

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