Lena Buchanan
MOL 504A Systems Thinking and The Learning Organization
Professor Toni Pauls
Warner Pacific College
November 12th, 2012
There is an increase of shrimp demand and the wild fisheries and aquaculture shrimp production are in constant competition of who is going to be more profitable. In the last thirty years the aquaculture industry has expanded and there seems to be concern from the wild fisheries about the “boom and bust” cycles of shrimp production. Some environmentalist; however, have concerns that these two communities with their constant debate is impacting both the sea and the forests. There is no disagreement that the shrimp industry is expanding, nevertheless, there needs to be some consensus from the wild fisheries and aquaculture shrimp productions to come together to a common goal that will benefit both sectors. Keywords: Wild Fisheries; Aquaculture; Shrimp
Shrimp Fisheries
The article Sustainability Challenges in the Shrimp Industry by Shankar Raja, Fernando Ganoza and Robert D. Landell, discusses the analysis of the structural dynamics of the regional shrimp industry for the region of wild shrimp fisheries and shrimp aquaculture. Due to the high global demand of shrimp, there is a concern that these two regions are in constant conflict and they need to come together to find opportunities to work together to find solutions of long-term stability, sustainability, and financial security. A project manager by the name of Roger Murray has had several discussions and interviews with several wild shrimp fisheries and shrimp aquaculture firms, as well as environmental groups and regulatory bodies to become familiar with the biological and economic forces underlying the shrimp industry (Raja, Ganoza, Landel, & McWane 2009). These interviews and discussions were to assess and understand the differences between each group and be able to develop a workshop where Mr. Murray could facilitate discussions amongst the
References: Raja, S., Ganoza, F., Landel, R., & McWane, H. (2009). Sustainability Challenges in the Shrimp Industry (A). Darden Business Publishing. Gillet, R. (2008). Global study of Shrimp fisheries. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Retrieved on November 9th from ftp://ftp.fao.org/docrep/fao/011/i0300e/i0300e01a.pdf Gupta, K., Chowdhury, J. (n/d). Aquaculture Vs. Wild Shrimp Fisheries: A Bio-Economic Analysis For West Bengal and Orissa. Retrieved on November 11th from http://www.ecoinsee.org/T.S.%20IB%5Cgupta_aquaculture.pdf