are three assertions. These assertions are: 1) No wilderness remains and the
environment we live in is man-controlled, 2) Technology forces us to live a
'termite-life' without a moment of reflection and rest, 3) We are a society like
'Brave New World' that does not care for or have any need for the environment
but instead relies on technology. These assertions are completely false and
could not be further from the truth.
It is ludicrous to think that no wilderness remains. If no wilderness truly
remains then why are there organizations such as American Hiking Society,
Greenpeace, and Earth's 911? The Boy and Girl Scouts of America is perhaps
the most well known of these 'outdoor organizations' with over seven million
registered members. Over 275 million people visit national parks such as
Yellowstone Nation Parks and more local ones such as Clove Lakes Park
annually, about eleven times the amount of people who visit Six Flags (with
every park combined) each year. The wilderness is a huge aspect of many
people's lives in America today.
Technology does not cause society to become "termite-like". If anything
technology allows us to become closer with the wilderness. For example, in
order for people to visit the aforementioned national parks, people must travel
by plane, car, or train. Society also uses technology to help endangered wild
animals breed. If it weren't for technology, these animals would be extinct.
The wilderness has the power to destroy and create. Tens of thousands of
people die each year due to hurricanes, tropical storms, mudslides, and
tsunamis. For example, Hurricane Katrina in 2005 which killed over 1,000
people. If the environment was as man-controlled as Mr. Stegner is assuming
then this disaster would of been averted and many lives would of been