
Wilfred Owen Distinctively Visual

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Wilfred Owen Distinctively Visual
Discuss how composers have used distinctively visual elements to convey a particular point of view.
Distinctively visual elements have enabled composers to convey particular points of views, through the vividly portrayed images on the topic of war. John Misto’s ‘The Shoe Horn Sonata’ captures the past experiences of 2 Japanese prisoners, Sheila Richards and Bridie Cartwright during the horror of World War 2. Misto’s use of distinctively visual elements highlights the power of friendship and emotion as the two most necessary aspect to survive the atrocity of war. Wilfred Owen’s ‘The Send-Off’ delineates a group of soldiers being waved off to war, where they will utterly meet their end. Unlike Misto, Owen dictates the perspectives of individuals
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Wilfred Owen’s ‘The Send-off’ delineates the moment a group of soldiers being waved off to war, where they will utterly encounter their demise. Contrasting imagery of “Down the close, darkening lanes they sang their way”, illustrates an image in which the soldiers are excited to leave and join the war and protect their country. However, the image of the road the soldiers are embarking down can be described as both narrow and dark as the soldiers which foreshadows their deaths in trenches. The symbolic use of “siding-shed” exemplify that the soldiers are no different to cattle, but considered unimportant. This is reinforced by the tedious imagery of “Dull porters watched them, and a casual tramp/ stood staring hard,” in which the only individuals that watched the departure of the soldiers were those that were porters who are hired to carry luggage. Connotations of death can be found within “Their breasts were stuck all white with wreath and spray/ As men’s are, dead,” showcases the ignorance of individuals as the white flowers given to the soldiers are symbolic of funerals. Simile of “Then, unmoved, signals nodded, and a lamp/ Winked to the guard,” signifies a sense of guilt from the guard who is meant to be keeping watch and protecting others. However, he is sending the soldiers to their deaths without be able to do anything which can be seen as ironic. Hyperbole of “Shall they return to beatings of great bells in wild trainloads?” depicts the attitudes of some individuals as they are making a joke at the amount of soldiers that will return, since they knew going to war meant that they were most likely going to die, yet they still went

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