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Managerial Accounting E3 Group 1



How does Wilkerson’s existing cost system operate?

Simple cost accounting system (One-­‐cost pool)

Product costs: direct labor, direct materials, manufacturing overhead. The overhead costs were allocated to products as a percentage of production-­‐run direct labor cost with a rate of 300%.

2. Develop an activity-­‐based cost model using the information in the case. Provide best estimate about the cost and profitability of Wilkerson’s three product lines. What difference does your cost assignment have on reported product costs and profitability? What causes any shifts in cost and profitability?

Product Lines
labor cost
material cost
e xpenses
l abor
& production control
Packaging & shipping
manufacturing overhead
manufacturing overhead
unit costs
cost accounting system



Flow Controllers







Target selling price
gross margin %




Actual selling price
gross margin %

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