East Asia within the Pacific Basin is one of the world most dynamic and diverse region in the 21st century. Fast becoming a power hub through the interconnectivity of economics, political and security processes, East Asia’s rise was firstly spearheaded by Japan, then the economies of Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea and Taiwan and now in the 21st century China has become the momentum behind the region’s evolution. This paper addresses the topic of whether a Sino-centric regional order will ultimately emerge in East Asia in the future. The paper attempts to argue this question by firstly briefly examining why a Sino-centric regional centric could be expected; next, it examines the relationship between Japan and China as competing Great Powers to take over the United States’ power mantle in the Pacific Basin; and, lastly, this paper will conclude that a Sino-centric regional order will not emerge and provide evidences that obstructs China from revolutionizing the power architecture of the region. States have various choices as they emerge as a Great Power. An emerging power does not necessarily become a hegemon. It has a choice to pursue a status of hegemony or not. Structural factors, internal politics, and domestic societal pressures dictate the strategic direction that a state may take. As China’s economy grows, it is natural to see the country become more prolific in the engagement of other states. However, while popular theories abound that China’s return is set to challenge the status quo within the region in an attempt to regain its lost opportunities to function as a great power in the 19 th century, many factors internal and external prevents China from overstretching its muscles. China continued integration into the regional would see the regional architecture checking her through diplomatic and consultative means.
Some observers believe that a Sino-centric regional order will ultimately emerge in East Asia in the
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