Why: the case for wind power It’s clean. Wind power is non-polluting and safe. During operation it does not contribute to global warming. There is no legacy of pollution for future generations. In contrast brown coal, the main source of Victoria’s electricity production, is the most polluting of the fossil fuels, making this state the worst greenhouse polluter in Australia. If we are to avoid climate change we must drastically cut emissions.
It’s affordable and available right now. Wind is the best placed renewable technology to deliver cuts in greenhouse pollution on a large scale, quickly. Fostering wind power is a long-term strategy to develop the renewable energy industry, along with other technologies such as solar and geothermal, which are not yet as technologically advanced or cheap as wind.
It makes a difference. Challicum Hills wind farm in the west of Victoria - Australia’s largest wind farm -alone creates enough energy to power the equivalent of more than 25000 homes.
It’s popular. Wind energy is one of the most popular energy technologies. Opinion surveys show widespread support (see public attitudes next page).
why not: the case against wind power
Wind turbines ruin the landscape. Some people are concerned about the effect wind turbines have on the beauty of the land scape, while others see them as symbols of a better, less polluted future. In contrast to other energy development, particularly open-cut coal mining in the little visual impact. In Victoria, concern about turbines on the coast has seen the bracks Government release new landscape guidelines that make it mandatory for developers to undertake landscape assessments before planning can proceed. The Australian Wind Energy Association together with the Australian Council of National Trusts are developing a joint Wind Farms and Landscape Values Project in 2004.
Wind turbines kill birds. All structures kill birds. No other industry in victoria has conducted such