3. I typed command F: and pressed Enter.
4. The current default drive is now F:
5. I typed the command dir and pressed enter.
6. I first changed the default drive back to C: and then used command dir then pressed enter.
7. I used command c:
8. Use command dir/on and then press enter to display contents in abc order by filename.
9. Used command dir/p/on to put in abc order then the files appeared in abc order
10. used command dir/oe/os
1.) Palette #1.bpm
2.) Palette #2.bpm
3.) color palette.bpm
4.) colors of the rainbow
11. Used command dir *ppt/oe then files Software.ppt, Hardware.ppt, application Software.ppt, using the mouse.ppt.
12. Used command C: then used command dir then presses enter, the file names contacts, desktop, documents, downloads music, pictures, and videos were listed.
13. Used command dir *.doc/oe the file names projected growth memo.doc and Proposal.doc were listed.
14. I used command set dircmd=/on/x/p then pressed enter.
15. I used command C: then pressed enter then dir/x and pressed enter. Tes short name for the programs files directory id dir the documents was docume~1.
Tutorial 3 Review Assignment
3. I used command dir *.xls/oe
4. I used command dir *.xls/oe >Spreadsheet sloutions.txt
5.i used command Type spreadsheet solutions.txt | more the first file listed was weekly worklog.xls
6. I used command More < spreadsheet solutions.txt
7. I used command Sort /r < spreadsheet sloutions.txt the first file in the list was sales projection models.xls
8.i used command Find “spreadsheet solutions” Summary” the files 2002 sales summary #1 and sales summary #2
9. i used command echo.>> “spreadsheet solution.txt”
10.i used command Dir *.wk4/on
12.i used command ren “spreadsheet solutions.txt” “Spreadsheet solution Files”
13 I used command copy “spreadsheet Solution Files.txt” “backup of spreadsheet solutions files.txt”
14.i sued command del Templates.txt*/p then press enter press y then