GSN-PWS Release 11 .0 Image for Xerox Field Service May 2011 Read_Me.doc
************PLEASE READ ME CAREFULLY************
Welcome to Win7 SP1 PWS Release 11.0
Release Date: May 31, 2011 This document contains important information regarding your PWS Image which will help get you started and will address issues that you may encounter. 1. Whenever you connect to a network, you will be asked to select a network profile of either Public, Work, or Home. It is recommended that you always select Work when connecting this PWS to the internet and in client locations. Selecting Public will disable many networking features and is the most restrictive
EN_Image_Read_Me_11_0_5_30_2011_FS - Version 1.0
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GSN-PWS Release 11 .0 Image for Xerox Field Service May 2011 Read_Me.doc
Please authorize GSNLock Client on your PWS before you ride the BUS. 3. In order to have the correct number of EDOC records to search in SearchLite, users should first follow the steps mentioned below in order: a) Connect to via Bus Station (default connection), check for downloads and update the machine with the latest BUS2 records. You may need to run this twice in order to get all available updates. b) Install the required EDOC from the CD/DVD or using EDOC Manager DVD. EDOC DVD Manager v1.0.13 is the oldest EDOC Manager DVD set which supports Win7. Any previous versions will not work. SNAPS Installer Volume 30 is the oldest SNAPS DVD that will run on Win7. Any previous version will not work. c) Check for downloads via BUS to have the latest EDOC updates. d) SearchLite will now show the correct number of EDOC records to search 4. You must Activate Windows 7 within 30 days from today. When you ride the BUS, a record will attempt to run a script that should Activate Windows 7 on your PWS. If this fails, please follow the steps below. Failure to Activate Windows 7 within 30 days may lead to the OS