Winston S. Churchill was a former prime minister of England during 1940 to 1945 and 1951 to 1955. He had been well known for his leadership, oratory skills and bold statements regarding political issues (internationally and locally). He was also described as being: bold, confident, manipulative, courageous, determined, outspoken, brave, and stubborn. Born into the likes of a rich family, he often undervalued the importance and value of money - reflecting at times during his time as Prime Minister. As he matured, he often contemplated between a life in the army or in Parliament. His contemplation became his reality as he would “switch” between the army and Parliament as an adult. While in the army serving in
Winston S. Churchill was a former prime minister of England during 1940 to 1945 and 1951 to 1955. He had been well known for his leadership, oratory skills and bold statements regarding political issues (internationally and locally). He was also described as being: bold, confident, manipulative, courageous, determined, outspoken, brave, and stubborn. Born into the likes of a rich family, he often undervalued the importance and value of money - reflecting at times during his time as Prime Minister. As he matured, he often contemplated between a life in the army or in Parliament. His contemplation became his reality as he would “switch” between the army and Parliament as an adult. While in the army serving in