On January 13, 2018, the AACMS instrumental music group had their Winter Concert at Foy Hall in Moravian College. The song that will be reviewed in this essay is Moon of Winter. It will address the balance, intonation, and the tone. Moon of Winter was composed by Vince Gassi. The balance in this piece was actually …show more content…
At measure 11 and measure 54, the saxophone section was a little overpowering. You could hear all of the parts equally throughout the piece, except for the beginning few measures. At measure 106, the parts were mixed very well. The flutes stood out nicely throughout the piece. You could hear every part stand out at different points. We executed this piece very nicely in terms of balance.
The tone in the Moon of Winter was overall pretty nice in this piece. It sounded smooth and connected. At measures 72 through 77 the piece had very good tone because everything went together nicely and gave it a nice sound. The violin part had good tone throughout the piece. At measures 100 to the end, it was very good, everything together made a wonderful closing. The tone made the piece sound very elegant and soft, but also kind of graceful and airy.
Our intonation in the Moon of Winter was alright throughout the piece. At measures 1-11, the intonation was a bit out of tune. At measure 41, the Eb was a little out of tune. At measure 66, the intonation was very good. The intonation didn’t affect the quality or the sound of the piece, but if we were more in tune we would’ve sounded even better. Overall, the intonation in the Moon of Winter was ok, but not really