is revealed. Rather then “Dad [chopping] a hole.” (1) in the ice, the speaker refers to the father chopping a hole in the skull of his/her mother’s skull. The “Tunk”(2) of the axe hitting the ice becomes the sound of it hitting the skull of the speakers mother. The speaker transforms the “snow bees” (3) of ice to pieces of the skull that the speaker imagines flying.
“Trepanning the tran’s top” (4) is transformed into a trepanning procedure where a hole was drilled into the skull like the hole drilled into the ice. This procedure was used with the understanding by doing this, it would allow the monsters or demons out that is causing the mental illness. Just as the speaker wishes to pull a Kraken or a Leviathan (Giant fish) from the water, he/she wished to pull the monster or demon from his/her mother that causes the mental