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Wireless electricity (Power) transmission using solar based power satellite technology
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2013 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 439 012046
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6th Vacuum and Surface Sciences Conference of Asia and Australia (VASSCAA-6)
IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 439 (2013) 012046 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/439/1/012046 Wireless electricity (Power) transmission using solar based power satellite technology
M Maqsood1 and M Nauman Nasir2
National Institute of Vacuum Science & Technology, NCP Complex, Shahdara
Road, PO Box # 3125, Islamabad, Pakistan
Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Engineering & Technology,
Taxila, Pakistan
Abstract. In the near future due to extensive use of energy, limited supply of resources and the pollution in environment from present resources e.g. (wood, coal, fossil fuel) etc, alternative sources of energy and new ways to generate energy which are efficient, cost effective and produce minimum losses are of great concern. Wireless electricity (Power) transmission (WET) has become a focal point as research point of view and nowadays lies at top 10 future hot burning technologies that are under research these days. In this paper, we present the concept of transmitting power wirelessly to reduce transmission and distribution losses. The wired distribution losses are 70 - 75% efficient. We cannot imagine the world without electric power which is efficient, cost effective and produce minimum losses is of great concern. .This paper tells us the benefits of using WET technology