Ajinkya Gaikwad, Tej Kapadia, Manan Lakhani & Deepak Karia
Department of Electronics and Telecommunication
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology, Mumbai 400058, India
E-mail : ajinkyagaikwad25@yahoo.com, tejkapadia602@gmail.com, lakhanimanan111@gmail.com, deepakckaria@gmail.com Abstract – Notice Boards are a common occurrence in variety of institutions which we come across on a daily basis.
In the current scenario the notice/ advertisement boards are being managed manually.
There is a long process involved in order to put up notices on the notice board. This wastes a lot of resources like paper, printer ink, man power and also brings about loss of time. In this paper we have proposed a system which will enable people to wirelessly transmit notices on a notice board using Zigbee. In this paper we have proposed a system by which only authorized people can access the notice board using a graphical user interface.
We can also make the system compatible with more than one wireless technology.
Keywords - Wireless Technology, , ZigBee.
Involves reduced time to revenue: companies can generate revenue in less time through the deployment of wireless solutions than with comparable access technologies be- cause a wireless system can be assembled and brought online in as little as two to three hours.
Provides broadband access extension: wireless commonly both competes with and complements existing broadband access. Wireless technologies play a key role in extending the reach of cable, fiber, and DSL markets, and it does so quickly and reliably. It also commonly provides a competitive alternative to broadband wireline or provides access in geographies that don’t qualify for loop access.
In [1], Jin-Shyan Lee et al. have given a detailed comparative study of different short-range wireless protocols viz. Blue- tooth (over IEEE 802.15.1), UWB
(over IEEE 802.15.3), Zig- Bee (over IEEE 802.15.4) and Wi-Fi (over IEEE
References: ISSN (Print) : 2319 – 2526, Volume-2, Issue-3, 2013