Preparing for the 2012 Centenary Celebration and Realising Vision 2020
Business Case (FINAL)
July 2011
Business Case
Project Title
Wireless Hill Project – Preparing for the 2012 Centenary Celebration and Realising Vision 2020
Strategic program
See 4.4 Strategic Impact for the link to the City of Melville Strategic Plan Realise the Wireless Hill Vision 2020
Concise Scope
Interpretation plan, concept plan, detailed design, approvals, staged implementation and construction of concept works at Wireless Hill Reserve. Museum plan, museum de-accessioning, preparing museum space & developing the Wireless Hill Museum internal area into a new multi-use museum exhibition and learning space.
Principal Outcomes
The principle outcomes from the Wireless Hill Vision 2020 are: 1. Preserve, enhance and promote heritage 2. Preserve, enhance and educate about the environment 3. Promote local and regional significance of reserve 4. Provide local and regional community destination 5. Integration to adjacent facilities/services
The Business Case provides a staged approach to prepare for the 2012 celebration and achieve the Wireless Hill 2020 Vision. Stage 1 will design and implement stage one landscape works and deaccession identified museum items and prepare the museum space with a temporary exhibition. This stage also prepares the site and museum space for the 2012 centenary celebration. Stage 2 will design and implement the remaining stage two works envisioned for the site as documented in the Wireless Hill Concept & Museum Plan. It is expected that these works would be carried out after the Centenary celebrations are complete. Stage 3 will achieve the internal redesign and refurbishment of the museum building as a future multi-use educational and exhibition facility.
Wireless Hill Project Business Case July 2011
Page 1
Table of Contents
1 2 3 Rationale & Background