Planning for growth within firms involve a number of strategic decisions that need to be made. These include the direction in which to expand, expansion method and how far or fast they should aim to grow. Firms may choose to expand by increased involvement with their existing products or services, or diversify into new activities. They may also set up new capacities within the firm or expand externally through mergers, acquisitions, strategic alliances, joint ventures with one or more firms (Morgan, 1980; Hornby et al, 2001; Johnson et al, 2008). The service sector has grown rapidly in both developed and developing countries during the past three decades. The hotel industry is characterised by high capital intensity, contrary to other industries in the service sector, and its logistics and supply chain can be as complex as those in manufacturing operations (Dimou and Chen, 2005).
The growth or decline of firms can be viewed in terms of the operation of the industry and competitive success as a whole. Fortunes of industries within an economy tend to ebb and flow over time based on technology and trade patterns among other factors, which are bound to change. Some firms may grow at the expense of less efficient ones, new ones may challenge established leaders while firms that fail to adapt to change may be forced out of business. Problems arise when firms wish to grow or expand at rates faster than total demand for existing products especially in oligopolistic markets where competitors are also striving for growth. This tends to lead firms towards diversification or mergers with competitors. According to Johnson et al (2008) however, growth is not optional in many markets, and organisations that grow slower than the competition will most likely lose to competitors on many fronts.
White (2004) argues that the choice of business size is a very strategic question. He further stated that, not too long ago, it was prudent
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