Otto von Bismarck is widely recognized as the statesman who engineered the unification of Germany in this period, via astute political awareness, cunning diplomacy and the use of effective military power. However many historians have different views with regard to Bismarck’s real influence and even whether he wanted German unification or just expansion of the power and influence of his home state of Prussia. Bismarck has been described a great statesman, but also an autocrat who resented any opposition to his views . In contrast it has also been suggested that he was merely an astute politician who enhanced the position of his home state of Prussia, through clever management of the internal and external political circumstances that he lived through . This enquiry will attempt to assess the importance of Bismarck’s role in the unification of Germany by identifying and reviewing key historical events in the period 1789-1890. In order to assess the impact that Bismarck had on the unification of Germany it is necessary to look at the status of the Germanic states at the start of the nineteenth century. Before 1815 Germany was a central European region consisting of numerous small independent states sharing a common language and culture. These states formed part of the Holy Roman Empire a medieval institution
Bibliography: Breuilly, J, The formation of the first German nation-state, 1800-71. Macmillan, London, 1996. Carr W, The origins of the wars of German unification, Longman, London, 1991. Pflanze, O, Bismarck and the development of Germany. The period of unification 1815-1871, Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1963. Schulze, H, The course of German nationalism: from Frederick the Great to Bismarck, 1763-1867, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1991. Stiles, A, The unification of Germany, 1815-90, Edward Arnold, London, 1986. Wawro, G, Warfare and society in Europe: 1792-1914, Routledge, London, 2000.