I had the opportunity of observing a case being reported. It was reported by an individual who was directly impacted by the occurrence. It was evident that the reporter had reached a point of helplessness. The way she expressed the situation and the emotions that exuded from her showed how frustrated she had become. While listening the report, I started brainstorming solutions and interventions for this individual. I believe this is an area in which growth is evident, I often visualize interventions for the clients that I encounter directly and indirectly. I highlight that session as my victory for the week, even though there are other mentionable moments, such as: Co-facilitating an individual session and visiting a school to continue investigations on a child. My disappointment for the week was having to sit in the office and do the same tasks for an entire day. Notwithstanding that, it was a fruitful week and I am happy to be on this …show more content…
It was so because I met a baby. Well not entirely that, but I did meet a baby upon my visit to court. Attending court is the important subject of what I am telling you. It was my first court experience and you can imagine my level of excitement; zero to one hundred real quick. I was able to observe the proceedings in three dimensional, or was it High definition, either way, I enjoyed it. Most of the cases were heartrending, others less intriguing, thus, it was being able to observe the process that was enjoyable to me. This opportunity was educational, I learnt a myriad of things in the single court session; I learnt that a child can be remanded to a home, otherwise, called a place of safety in an instant, if their parents present them as being uncontrollable. This took place at the court and instantaneously, the systems theory came to mind, particularly, the aspect that speaks about equilibrium. I began to visualize the number of impacts one action could have on the child as a result of his steady state being disrupted. While the court session was easily my highlight of the week, it was also my challenge. Another highlight for the week was the honourable opportunity I experienced of writing a referral for a child to get counselling. I feel growth happening and I am embracing it. I do feel discouraged approximately ninety-eight percent of the time, however, I am grateful for the two percent that sees the light at the end of the