Think of a tariff wall, its like this giant magical force field. You put up this giant force field and all of the sudden foreign goods can no longer get in. You have the power as a word wizard, you have the power to make mountains of fruit and lakes of butter and wine because you can set up these weird agricultural tariffs where farmers get paid to destroy stuff. You can, through language, set fire to entire fields of suspected drugs in South and Central America. Through the power of this wizardry you can set fire to an entire country, like Iraq. You can, through the power of language, through the power of warmongering, you can corrupt and virtually destroy the entire genetic base, the entire genetic integrity of the people around Fallujah with gene-destroying weaponry (and Fallujah is a city in Iraq, in which the United States took over, and then only let certain people of certain backgrounds get back in). Through the power of language, you can turn paper into gold! You can get people to accept fiat currency in exchange for …show more content…
The soldier’s arm wears out. He gets old, he gets creaky, he gets arthritis, et cetera. But the language skills of the Sophists of the true wizards of human manipulation only tend to grow with age; which is why in the movies and books, the most powerful wizards are the old ones, whereas with the fighters and warriors, it is the young who are the most powerful. Look at the way that this relates to society: the young are physically stronger than the old, but who rules society? It is an oligarch of crypt-keepers that rule society. It is the old that get benefits and free healthcare and pensions; vastly out of proportion to anything they paid into. The young, in turn, are forced into debt, and get worse schools and less healthcare and line-ups and inflation and skyrocketing rates of private unemployment because wizards rule and the old are the best