Yolonda Franklin
POL 355
Instructor Kiess
November 07, 2014
Alternative Worlds & the Future of International Relations: Gini-Out-of-the-Bottle Mr. President, I have been tasked to discuss “Alternative Worlds” scenario which is based on how the future is being predicted. The Gini-out-of-the-bottle concept is what I am predicting for the global market. This particular scenario showcases the various inequalities in the countries as well as the global divide between the rich and poor countries such as between America and Kenya. In this scenario, we are no more closer to ending terrorism than we are now due to the widening gap of financial irresponsibility and a low growth rate in the poorer countries. According to the National Intelligence Council (2012), “The world becomes wealthier-as global GDP grows-but less happy as the differences between the haves and have-nots become starker and increasingly immutable” (p. 143, para. 1). One major issue is the security interests of our current administration. There has been too many security breaches within our own government such as the fallout from Edward Snowden and our national security. This paper will discuss the gini-out-of-the-bottle approach and how it is affected by its security interest, military elements, political roles, economic factors, and religion.
II. Realism Theoretical Approach: The International Relations theory that best fits the Gini-out-of-the-bottle approach for this report is the theory of realism. There are five different classes of realism but the two that stands out to me are classic and neorealism. Classic realism leans towards those that represent a pessimistic view and the fact that people are not often what they appear to be and they it would behoove a government not to be so trusting of others. Neorealism represents the struggle of someone that is greedy for more such as power.
References: Mead, R. M. (2014, May/June). The return of geopolitics. Foreign Affairs, 93(3),69-79. Retrieved from the EBSCOhost database. Obama, B. H. (May 2010). National security strategy. Washington, DC: Office of the President of the United States. Retrieved from http://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/default/files/rss_viewer/national_security_strategy.pdf Rourke, T of Connecticut. Retrieved October 10, 2014, from http://jeffreyfields.net/427/Site/Blog/3C90C230-B47B-4894-8E8E-