CM spoke to Indhira Reyes (DCP&P) in regards to services for Destiny (youth). DCP&P and CM discussed Destiny’s (youth) upcoming intake appointment at Project Safe on 11/22/16 at 4:00pm. CM updated DCP&P regarding the Big Brother and Big Sister intake appointment that took place on 11/8/16 for youth. CM explained to DCP&P that the intake appointment went well and Julie Evans (Interviewer) will contact the family within 3 months regarding a Big Sister for youth. CM confirmed the final transition meeting with DCP&P for 12/8/16 at 4:00pm. DCP&P informed CM that the case is being transferred to a new DCP&P worker and Ms. Reyes will keep CM updated regarding the new worker availability for the upcoming transition meeting.…
Natalie stated until she is sure MSTT is in the home to help and not looking for reason to consider her an unfit parent she is going to have her guard up. Natalie expressed her interactions with CYS have not been positive and she is not sure how to view other services like MSTT. MSTT violated Natalie concerns and informed her she will have the lead while engaged with MSTT services addressing her concerns and dealing with the family issues developing strategies to prevent youth negative…
CM conducted a phone conference with Alison Scarpignato (CMS), Rossana McElroy (CMO Clinical Consultant), Beverley Watson (DCP&P Team Lead) and Phillip High (DCP&P worker) in regards to a follow-up on treatment recommendations for Sinai (youth). The team discussed youth recent f/f meeting at Bergen Regional Medical Center on Tuesday, 4/4/17. CM explained to the team that youth is requesting to be placed on medication in order to cope with her father. Phillip reported he have not finish reading Sinai’s evaluation, however, the recommendations are for youth to live with her mother, Tanya Austin Maccagno. Phillip will discuss this matter with the Division attorney and will keep CM updated. CMS provided Phillip with the team…
In order to help Jack return stability into his life and that of his children we need to follow a schematic model of intervention as discussed in Chapter 2 of our text. The first step in implementing the case management process is Client Identification and Outreach. According to Rothman (1998), “the flow of clients into the organization can come through referrals of various kinds (agencies, families, community organizations, clergy, police, schools, self-referral, etc.)”.Therefore the agency must make itself…
The agency used for this interview was The Clark County Child Advocacy Center. The interviewee was the Director of the organization and communication for the interview was completed via e-mail. The advocacy role the interviewee plays in this organization is CAC Advocate. The populations served by the agency are families that come to them when there…
Intervention: Clinician discussed the youth’s ability to respect the rules of the home. Clinician praised the youth for communicating with the foster parent. Clinician addresses any issues that affect the youth’s growth at the foster home.…
How does this client manage sexual abuse, child abuse, delinquency and crime? None of these must be taken lightly. If a child is bullied, the social worker and the police will be included. The social worker will is required to visit the victim and his or her family. If abuse is proven, therefore, the child will be terminated from the house and placed in a foster home. The parents will now lose custody and be charged with child neglect in the appropriate procedures. Sexual abuse is also gravely serious. When a report regarding sexual abuse happens, the police are also included. The criminal is charged and arrested into custody. If it is a child, they can be provided advice, counseling and regular checkups. Crime is also managed in a common way. The courts and police will be included, therefore the time is provided to the person who committed the crime. It revolves on the graveness of the crime itself. This system also offers delinquency prevention classes and organizes funding for the classes (Macro Practice In Social Work,…
Case Study Four (appendix one) describes a family which due to multiple issues including separated parents with mental health needs, siblings living apart, aggressive behaviour and truancy they present an extremely complex case for any social worker. It focuses on the story of Callum and his current status with brief mention of his brother and two sisters. I will explore the legal and policy guidance along with relevant theories and values that would inform and guide social work practice in relation to Callum as the majority of…
All individuals are affected by their family (Kaakinen, Coehlo, Steele, Tabacco, & Hanson, 2015). Today nurses realize the importance of the family unit on the overall wellbeing of the individual and by including the family into the patients care, it increases the positive outcomes for both (Svavarsdottir et al., 2015). We will review a patient I had many years ago and discuss the child and his health needs in regards to how it affects him, his family, the family functioning and the family interactions with community resources.…
This essay will identify a case I have been involved in and have continuously had to assess whilst on placement. It will refer to a child who will be identified as A. A is a young carer and has only recently returned home after being removed from his mothers care due to her having a substance abuse problem and mental health concerns. I will link the legal framework that was relevant to this case study and describe actions taken. Additionally these actions will demonstrate the application of social work methods and theories that were contributive elements in his intervention, offering explanations as to why these particular methods were used. Before closing, the essay will review any issues of discrimination with a reflection of the overall process of working with this child throughout the duration of my placement and end with a conclusion.…
Children and teen-agers in the care of the Department of Children’s Services are struggling to cope with and deal with the traumatic and confusing events that brought them into care. Their lives have become chaotic and they may feel alone and depressed; often the most stable person in their lives is their caseworker. “Traumatic experiences and an increased susceptibility for further wounds from unstable environments created in foster care continue to increase the vulnerability of this already fragile population” (Jones Harden, 2004, p.30). Caring for children and youth in foster or substitute care can be truly complicated and demanding. When a child is in custody the state is to assume full responsibility for a child‘s well-being and permanency.…
When children who fall under the “special needs,” and cannot find a stable home, can suffer from long-time mental, behavioral, and/or physical health problems. Teenagers who cannot find a stable home and family are more likely to suffer from depression, withdrawal behaviors, somatic behaviors, and anxiety. Close to 27 percent, or 3 in 10, of teenagers ages 11 to 18, had behavioral problems that resulted in some form of clinical assistance. Young adolescents and teenagers are more likely to internalize mental health problems after they are placed into foster care system (Woods, Farineau, & McWey, 2013; Walsh & Mattingly, 2011). With the situations many children who were removed dealt with, mental health issues are something many foster families will have to consider when taking on teenagers and children with mental and physical…
It is crucial to satisfy the needs of the child as much as you can, for instance when it is time to place a family into the Hope VI policy, it is best to do the move in the summer to not interrupt the child’s “social life”. Although they have it at their best interest to place them in better condition, as in for living conditions and neighborhood; the child could feel deserted if they are forced to leave their school in the middle of the school year. Hope VI sites are entirely safe for the child because of the vacancy in the homes which has an increased depression, loneliness and gang activity. Another factor a family impact analyst can do is recommend support groups or supportive services targeting disadvantage children. Changes Parent Support Network is a nonprofit organization that help families and children solve their issues and guide help. They specialize in children facing violence or abuse, failing grades or not attending class, substance abuse, gang activities or criminal acts like stealing,…
Children and adolescents involved with child welfare, especially those who are removed from their family of origin and placed in out-of-home care, often present with complex and serious physical, mental health, developmental, and psychosocial problems rooted in childhood adversity and trauma. As such, they are designated as children with special health care needs. There are many barriers to providing high-quality comprehensive health care services to children and adolescents whose lives are characterized by transience and uncertainty.…
The increased problems within families in the US have led to a similar increase in the number of children in need of child welfare services. The most common factors that have led to this increase include the loss of income, catastrophic illnesses, substance and drug abuse, divorce and incarceration of the parents. These problems lead to a great disruption in the life of these children who miss out on the love and guidance on the part of their parents. Parents are supposed to play an active role in the growth and development of their children. In spite of these problems, it is important to note that the best form of care that a child can get is from his own parents,…