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Wolterstorff focuses on the need of exploring ad finding out the position of some religious doctrines which formed a vital part of the background beliefs of medieval scholars set back the progress of science, it is equally correct that some doctrines, scientific in nature have performed more or less the same deed. He acknowledges that though Christians scholars are free to adhere to the religious doctrines, this should not enclosed their minds, but rather they should keep an open minds to see the truth since some doctrines are have poor basis and are sometimes false.
God, he says is simple and cannot know things apart from himself …show more content…
This is true because Christians have to belief and commit themselves to the teachings of Christ the moment they choose to believe in Him. This commitment in Christianity is authentic and all Christians have to adhere to it or else they would not be in line with the law. This has to be carefully distinguished from subscription to dogmas. Many Christians disagree in many details of the belief hence they go in their separate ways in realizing the truth but what remains constant is their commitment of fulfilling whatever they believe in to the latter by observing carefully and precisely the doctrines that come with …show more content…
Beliefs about the entities to whose existences a theory may correctly commit to us’
‘It is wrong always everywhere’
"For millennia, philosophers and others have explained religious belief. Barrett 's discussion challenges every explanation I know of, doing so on the basis of fascinating and innovative empirical studies, and acute philosophical analysis. His theory is innovative, compelling, and provocative at many points, not least in its conclusion that theism, not atheism, is our natural condition. It 's the sort of book that shakes up the field; all philosophers and psychologists of religion will have to take account of it."
"Theory of theorizing".
"What do men do with pain they cannot shrug off? We keep up appearances long enough to quietly slip away to nurse our wounds in solitary silence. It’s so hard to go against custom and habit. Men of my generation may try to ignore the pain, but the death of a child results in a level of pain that is impossible to ignore. So we acknowledge it, and then we try to carry on. Even in the business world, men are not granted leave to recover from a loss. We’re expected to observe the rituals of mourning and then throw ourselves back into our work, put up a good front, and continue to function at a light level of concentration and dedication. I carried this expectation to a ridiculous