After this description, Edna begins staring into the sea. The sea has already been associated with Edna’s sexuality and the introspection that accompanies it--her sexual freedom, in the lines:…
On the both poems, D. H. Lawrence’s “snake” and Elizabeth bishop’s “Fish,” both author mentions about animals. Both writer treated animals as animals at first, but later on, they compare those animals with human. The explanation of visual, the time when two authors think those animals as human, and the ironic feeling that both author have demonstrate that both speakers state of mind change.…
This is water is a mighty odd title, don’t you think? Throughout the reading I kept the image of the fish in the back of my mind, what does the fish scenario mean? David Foster Wallace tells a couple stories: a tale of two men in Alaska and a story of a real-world scenario of the reader at grocery store. Each story prevailed a meaning to me, though the most vibrant element of this presentation was found in the scenario of the grocery store.…
Edna’s epiphany in the sea serves as a casement that opens the meaning of the work because this is when she first comes to the awareness that she should not conform to Victorian Society. Edna no longer feels the pressure to obey her husbands every demand as an ungovernable feeling came upon her while she was swimming. The water symbolized her freedom and escape of societal norms. Chopin’s use of similes to describe her metamorphosis like an overconfident child who first learns to walk illuminates her newfound power and desire for sexual satisfaction and freedom. This is significant because this was not expected of women during this era who were traditionally the mother-wives that took care of their children and obeyed their husbands. The episode is necessary as it enables Chopin to later uncover that women should act upon feelings of individuality and sexuality.…
Within this poem is a lovely array of splendid imagery that allows the reader to truly feel as if they were there experiencing the memory themselves. When describing her surrounds they are idyllic, and pure. Even the dangers of the trip such as the jelly fish, or the steering of the boat, are never referred to as scary or unsafe, but calm…
The memory, as she describes, was of a day she had as a child when she went whale-watching with her parents and brother. She narrates the beginning of the day as an uneventful family outing where they had a mediocre lunch and were unsuccessful at spotting any whales. However, eventually they see a mother “humpback” whale and her “calf”, and this is when the woman begins to use this memory as an association to her present sorrows. The woman observes the two whales and illustrates her experience, “The mother left her head underwater but I felt that I knew her more than I had ever known. I knew the curious joy she took in the vastness of the ocean.” This passage is important as she later uses the grandness and all that is unknown about the ocean as a symbol to represent the ambiguity and obscurity that comes with…
The fish tank is a symbol of the ebb and flow between good and bad times. The fish’s existence which relies solely on the owner 's hand is predictable only by the constancy of the protagonists’ marriage. When the marriage is stable the aquarium is clean, the fish is well fed and happy “wondrously free, swimming – for all he knew – in Lake Superior… free of desires, needs, and everything else” (218). This clean state represents the favorable parts of life. When the marriage become unstable the opposite happens, the aquarium became a filthy mess, “the water so clotted it had become a substantial mass, a putty within the fish was presumably swimming, or dead” (215). The dirty stage symbolizes the base facets of life; the water is restricted, dark, and full of need. The fish tank is a representation of the ephemeral nature of life and the good and bad times we all face in our own lives.…
In agreement with many people, a memory from childhood may seem as distant as the moon. Woolf, on the other hand, remembers brightly the fishing trip with her father and brother. The importance of this trip in her memories is shown by Woolf's use of metaphors that portray her feelings. Midway of the excerpt, she states “white twisting fish” when it was “slapped on the floor.” With the use of a few words, Woolf manages to create a vivid imagination for the reader.…
“Young sister going swimming” By M. Atwood is an extra-ordinary poem talking about the younger sister experiencing the lake that they came upon to. The lake symbolizes desolation meaning no one ever comes to it and is surrounded with the speciality of nature. The use of nature of this poem intertwines with the attitude and the atmosphere that apparent the feeling within the author and her younger sister. Nature also acts like a healing or a getaway resort for the both of them, expressing the outcome of “enjoying their free time”. Their attitude demolishes their social views and leave behind civilization. The atmosphere is a secluded, speech-free environment that tranquil their inner depth of freedom and peace, “Beside this lake, where there are no people”. The surroundings of the “trees, rocks, and the circling bays and hills” subdues the higher standards of loneliness and the intake of isolation. As the poem progresses, the author zooms into the sisters physical manner. “Against the boards, her feet make sad statements, she thinks no one can hear” says that she is thinking of something in particular. The use of syntax develops in the brackets as shown to shift the different information from the author to the younger sister. The author brings in paradox when she talks about the sister continuing “her short desolate parade to the end of the dock”. The dénouement clinches with the beginning of the sixth stanza when the author marks her page to go into the rippled water with her…
"Self-preservation is a full-time occupation I’m determined to survive on these shores I don’t avert my eyes anymore in a man’s world I am a woman by birth." This quote, from Ani DiFranco’s song, "Talk to Me Now," expresses a feminist’s view on a woman’s determination to live her life in a world often dominated by males. The theme of the life cycle and its numerous manifestations is frequently found in feminist poetry. It seems that women writers are particularly intrigued by the subject of life and death perhaps because they are the sex which have the unique role of giving birth to the next generation. In the works of Sylvia Plath, Stevie Smith, and Ani DiFranco, the symbols of blood and water are used to represent the various aspects of the life cycle. Plath’s poem "Cut", Smith’s poem "The Boat", and DiFranco’s song "Blood in the Boardroom" all make references to blood. Although, the meaning of blood in these poems varies from suicide, in Plath’s poem, to menstruation, in DiFranco’s song, to death, in Smith’s poem, the subject of blood remains as the central symbol in all of these works. Water, as well, is a symbol illustrated by each of these artists. In Plath’s "Full Fathom Five", Smith’s "Not Waving but Drowning", and DiFranco’s "Circle of Light", water symbolizes such divergent topics as death in Plath’s poem, life in DiFranco’s song, and fear in Smith’s poem. These three twentieth century feminist artists express their opinions through their works, as the topics of their poetry overflow with similar, yet symbolically different, references to blood and water.…
The first stanza speaks of an old aquarium, one that has obviously been abandoned and left to the elements. The second stanza speaks of lost memories, perhaps fond ones, of the author and the old aquarium when it was still open. The third stanza speaks of lost time and of time marching onto a new (and more often than not, not exactly better) tomorrow, with new things going up where old things once were. The fourth stanza speaks of the old being torn up and new things being put in their place as if the old things were never there. The fifth stanza talks of parking lots as straight-up destruction of something good (and of a loss of innocence).…
The short story The Bass, The River, and Sheila Mant has an important theme proving to stay true to yourself using symbolism. The fish symbolized his true self`because it was the “hidden tuggings in the night that claimed” him. It wasn't that he lost Sheila Mant that made him regret that night but instead the fact that he let someone else’s opinion hold him back from something great. Catching the fish would have given him more happiness than something that would last one night.…
Fresh water tanks are the most common aquariums in houses and schools, many times people that have had a fresh water aquarium move on into a challenge by having a salt water aquarium. Fresh and salt water aquariums have something in common, they teach you how salt and fresh water fishes live and how they interact with other organisms. While taking care of a salt and a fresh water tank in this experiment my data showed that taking care of a salt water tank was definitely more challenging, but while it was more challenging it was also more educational since it provided a small look at what life in the ocean was like. The main idea behind this experiment was to see which aquarium would be the hardest to take care of (Salt water) and which aquarium would demonstrate a quicker population growth through the mating of the fishes, but no evidence was ever gather from that because neither fishes in those aquariums ever had an offspring. After that a better question followed the experiment: Which aquarium can explain the way fishes interact in their normal habitat? While both aquariums showed how fishes acted, the salt water tank in many ways showed a better image of what life was like in the ocean unlike the fresh water tank that didn’t quite gave an image at all.…
I enjoyed 'The Fish' for its unusual imagery, detailed description and uplifting epiphany. We are drawn into the poem by the opening lines 'I caught a tremendous fish' The poets respect for the fish is immediately conveyed, he is 'battered and venerable and homely'. A domestic simile helps us to visualise this huge, ancient fish, while evoking a sense of comfortable familiarity 'his brown skin hung in strips, like ancient wallpaper' Imaginative similes conjure up an image of the inside of the fish, his flesh is 'packed in like feathers', while his swim bladder is 'like a big poeny'. An interesting shift in the poem occurs when the poet looks into the fish's eyes and begins to engage with him. Observation leads to reflection. The poet empathises with the fish when she observes the five hooks that had 'grown firmly in his mouth'. Like the poet, I admire the fish for surviving the trials of tribulations of life. It is at this point that the poet achieves a moment of insight. The hooks are 'like medals with their ribbons, frayed and wavering', suggests that the poet now sees the fish as a war veteran. This is a wonderful comparison. The ancient fish is now a symbol for the resilience of the human spirit and for our capacity…
Elizabeth Bishop has used past memories, personal experiences, and her observations of nature and human life to include in her poems. Many of Bishop’s poems include the mention of animals, such as ‘The Fish’, ‘The Prodigal’, and ‘The Armadillo’. This mention of animals and their behavior is effectively presented and supported with thorough detail. The precise language which Bishop chose to include in her poems, acts as a guideline for uncovering the emotion felt during the time of the experience. Had Bishop not included minor details that she considered to be critical, the chance of passing on the intensity of feeling may have been lost. In Bishop’s poem ‘The Fish’, she writes about her experience of catching a “tremendous fish”. By stating in the opening line that the fish was indeed…