Women have been advancing, progressing and have proved that they can beat men in any sector they are in. Be it sports, arts, science, politics, service or for that matter any where, she has stood at par with what a man could do. Yet, she still fights for equality.
No matter what, the old thoughts and upbringing culture still lay cluttered in the minds of men that women should not be above men, but below them. It is sad to understand that women are the better halves of the society, yet they are the ones who face the maximum tortures in many ways in their lives.
Time has changed, yet attitude towards women have never been changed. One of the main reasons of violence against women is the mentality which deems women inferior of men and merely limits their importance to the maintenance of the household, the upbringing of children and pleasing their husbands and serving other members of the family.
Even in today's times of modernization of society, many working women are still subjected to immense pressure to shoulder the dual responsibility of a