AUGUST 26, 2012
Women’s Role Then & Now: Script
Roles women should play in society on today ladies we will be listening to two Notable Women from the 19th century on the roles women should play in society so let’s pay close attention to these two women of yesterday and embraces what they have to say on the roles women should play in society.
Sojourner Truth: Hello ladies my name is Sojourner Truth and I have been asked to share with you about myself and the roles women should play with in society.
Well I was born as a slave as Isabella Baumfree, in Ulster County, New York, around 1787 I was one of twelve children that was born to James and Elizabeth Baumfree. My family and I were owned by Colonel Hardenbergh who later die and ownership of my family and I was turned over to his son Charles. Ladies it did not stop there. I was sold at an auction at the age of 9 years old with a flock of sheep for $100. By the age of 12 I had a new owner John Dumont at West Park, New York. It was during my stay there I learned to speak English. In 1817 Dumont compelled me to marry an older slave named Thomas and we produced one son Peter, and two daughters Elizabeth and Sophia. In 1826 while waiting on the emancipation of slavery I escaped along with my infant daughter Sophia leaving my other two children behind. Shortly after my escape I learned that Peter my 5 year old son had been sold illegally to a man in Alabama. I managed to take the case to Court and eventually secured Peter’s return from the South. The case is said to be the first in which a black women successfully challenged a white man in a United States court. My early years of freedom was marked by several strange hardships having converted to Christianity, I moved with my son Peter to New York City in 1829, there I worked as a house keeper for a Christian Evangelist Elijah Pierson.
References: The Humanities: Culture, Continuity and Change, Volume 2, Second Edition, by Henry M Sayre, pg.1061-1067. Florence Nigthingale.(2012). Biography.com. Retrieved Aug 17, 2012 from http://www.biography.com/people/florence-nightingale-9423539 Sojourner Truth. (2012). Biography.com. Retrieved Aug 17, 2012 from http://www.biography.com/people/sojourner-truth-9511284 www.historycentral.com