ABSTRACT Despite the great strides in women empowerment and emancipation there is still a gap of women in leadership positions in the science, engineering and technology and mathematics (STEM). Data in Zimbabwe, obtained from the Draft Status of the Science, Technology and Innovation in Zimbabwe document show that there is a higher enrolment of men than women and that female staff ranged from between 0%-36% in tertiary institutions with no statistics as to how many females are staffed in STEM. These statistics show gender disparity and efforts should be made to improve gender balance, to improve the numbers of women occupying leadership positions, in all sectors. A number of factors which attribute to this are well known and some are: Discrimination- women in leadership are subdued to covert and overt discrimination, which can deter them to administer their duties tactfully Social issues- include cultural beliefs to educate the boy over the girl child and this has a social bearing where a girl child is sidelined and does not reach her full potential. Lack of role models and nurturing- The absence of role models and mentorships is leaving a gap in science field. Education-programmes that help and encourage women interested in STEM should be put up to enhance their full potential. Part of this paper seeks to bring about the aspect of why there is an under-representation of women in STEM fields; the barriers that they face at primary level and in leadership positions. The distinct lack of research in the area of women leadership in STEM fields suggests that this is not a problem that is currently understood and not being addressed and its finding s will lobby for policy advocacy.
INTRODUCTION Despite the large gains and trends that are going globally and having much literature
References: 1. UNESCO, M. o. S. a. T. D. o. A. a. I. D., 2009. Report on Girls Science Camp, Harare: UNESCO. 2. Rungano Karimanzira et al. Baseline Study: Discussion Document on the Status of Women in Science,Technology and Innovation in the SADC Region, Umvoto 3. McCollough, L., n.d. Women in Leadership S&T. Forum on Public Policy. 4. Bullough, Amanda M., "Global Factors Affecting Women 's Participation in Leadership" (2008). FIU Electronic Theses and Dissertations. Paper 184. http://digitalcommons.fiu.edu/etd/184 5. Mugwagwa J.T. 2004. Proceedings of a National Workshop on Women, Science and Technology in Zimbabwe,Harare : Star Printers 6. Report on Girls Science Camp (2009). UNESCO, Ministry of Science and Technology Development, Ministry of Agriculture, Mechanisation and Irrigation Development (UNESCO, 2009)