Scholars of management, politics, history and psychology have attempted all best to identify the essential part of leadership since classical times In last decade, the female leadership has attracted increasing attention in academic circles since in business practice there has emerged a new era for female leaders (Sharpe, R., 2000; Eagly, A. H. &Carli, L.L., 2003). Women has much potential to play more important role in firms in particular the leading position (Alvesson, M., & Billing, Y. D., 1992; Hefferman, 2002). A key question for this issue is the reason why one firm hire a woman is that she is a woman or she really has the competitive advantage. Now as a comparatively new endeavor this essay focuses on the study of the relationship between women and leadership. More Specifically, the essay is to examine the arguments to explain why female leadership received so little attention is the past, to show the difference between male and female power, therefore to demonstrate the female leadership advantage and disadvantage of which the aim is to use the knowledge derived from the study of female leadership to improve our understanding of leadership and our management behavior.
After years of analyzing about the effectiveness of leadership, some managers seem to get the answer to who is the right one to hire as a leader: a female. The first time brought up the idea is in 1990 by Helgesen. He is the writer of feminist trade book. The core idea of the book that women could be effective leaders and play important role in the mainstream culture. There has emerged a new era of female leaders.
Business Week suggests that women do have the potential to turn into respectful and effective leaders (Sharpe, 2000). In addition, Fast Company even published an article arguing that the future will rely much on the women. (Hefferman, 2002) This idea was supported again by Business Week. They point out that men do have