UNDP promotes equality between women and men through 'gender mainstreaming. ' The organization’s corporate strategy on gender is designed to integrate the promotion of women’s empowerment and equality fully in the organization 's core business. This strategy calls for gender mainstreaming to become everyone’s job – not the responsibility of a small number of specialists. It rests on three pillars:
Developing capacities – both in-country and in-house – to integrate gender concerns in all practice areas;
Providing policy advisory services that promote gender equality and women 's empowerment; and
Supporting specific interventions that benefit women and innovative models such as those developed and tested by the UN Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM).
Priorities of the corporate gender action plan include monitoring the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs); reducing the incidence of HIV among vulnerable women; promoting women 's empowerment through democratic governance, decentralization and civil society participation; and developing women 's capacities through training, knowledge-sharing and networking.
UNDP 's multi-year funding framework includes a mechanism to ensure that gender equality is effectively integrated in all UNDP service lines and programmes. Accountability tools include a gender mainstreaming scorecard, which tracks overall progress at the corporate level; the review of manager and staff performance in gender mainstreaming as part of the yearly appraisal process; and new indicators to track results.
'Gender mainstreaming ' was defined by the United Nations Economic and Social Council in 1997 as 'a strategy for making women 's as well as men’s concerns and experiences an integral dimension of...the policies and programmes in all political, economic and societal spheres so that women and men benefit equally and inequality is not perpetuated. '
The relative status of men and women;
References: services", western regional workshop on Gender sanitization, published by yashda, Pune, 1998, P.15 7. "Sahayata : Maharashtra adopts women empowerment policy". article appeared in daily Newspaper : The Hindu, 8 March, 2001 PTI Oct 16, 2012, 03.57PM IST Tags: