Meaning of Women Empowerment – Women Empowerment means to empower women in all aspects of their identity. It is about empowering women to let them take their own decisions. They must be free to be the way they want to be. Empowered women will have better position and better status in the society.
Women empowerment in India
Here in this Essay on Women Empowerment it is tried to find out the possible reasons for women’s present situation in India(whichever way you view it through your vision) and what possible solutions could be derived out while keeping in mind major crimes against women in today’s society. The first part talks about who really is the culprit; the perpetrator or the society?
“Rapists should be hanged!!”, “Rapists should be stoned to death!”, when I hear such statements I am aroused to have similar kind of hatred for these rapists of our sisters, daughters, mothers, friends…
But should they really be given a death sentence? I know, on even asking such a question would make me look like a sympathizer of such devils, as we call them. But again, I would try to form this very, ‘politically incorrect’ question in a bit different manner; I would ask, should they be the only ones to be blamed for such heinous crimes to happen against women? Only the rapists? The molesters?
Just take a look around yourself and try to figure out those rapists that born in little kids; when they are beaten, mistreated, called names, left to live in poverty…. That ‘devil’ takes birth in a student when he is beaten brutally with a stick in a classroom in front of his friends, it takes birth in an innocent son when he sees his mother being mistreated by his father…it takes birth in a teenage boy when he is called names and is looked down for being lean and short heighted, and it finally takes birth in a young boy who is left on his own, without any care, or love from his family, society, friends, and starts getting involved in wrong habits…
I must