1. Introduction Status of Women in Human Society: A Historical Perspective
2. Problem Areas for Women in Pakistan
a. Use of Islam to deny Women Rights
b. Gender Discrimination
c. Marriage and Marital Life
d. Sati, Vani and Karokari
e. Domestic Violence
f. Poor Literacy
g. Job Opportunities and Job Environment and Veil
h. Inheritance
i. Want of Male Child
j. Child and Forced Labor
k. Health Issues
Weak institution
Lack of Political awareness
Cultural barriers
Misinterpretation of Islam in terms of woman empowerment
Corrupt media
3. The factors that can foster women development are as under:
• Promotion of education among women.
• Reduction of poverty.
• Abolition of feudalism.
• Strong institution ensuring women empowerment.
• Social, political, cultural financial and professional liberty among women.
• Positive role f religions in terms of women empowerment.
• Job opportunities for women.
• Legislation on honor-killing, child marriage and vatta-satta system of marriage.
4. Steps Taken by the Government
a. Legislation to empower women
b. Job Quotas
c. Representation in Politics
d. Gender Mainstreaming
5. Role of NGO Sector
6. Role of Print and Electronic Media
7. Recommendations
a. Diagnosing the Problem: The Problem is of Human Rights, not of Women rights only
b. Universal Women Education
c. Removing Social Barriers to Gender Equality
d. Need to Ensure Women Rights that are guaranteed by Constitution
e. Implementation of Women Rights given by Islam
f. Due Importance to Mother-Child Health
8. Conclusion
Woman is one of the best creatures of the universe. She has been equally endowed with in terms of intellect, prudence and rights as man has been.The state of woman in Pakistan as compared to man are awfully miserable. She is badly victim of domestic violence and sexual assaults at working places. She is indeed meted out with massive atrocity and