By: Sarah Langenwalter
Women have always had so many different and interesting behavior patterns; whether they are patterns at home, at work, or even at the polls. Choosing this topic was easy, women are very unique about everything, and I was curious to see the differences in the way we vote compared to men, the gender gap. With the help of peer reviewed articles and other research, I am planning to explain the gender gap as well as other voting behaviors that women perform. The peer reviewed articles that I chose will be discussed in the following order: “The Gender Gap: When an Opinion Gap is not a Voting Bloc” by Linda Bennett, “How Do Female Spouses’ Political Interests Affect Male Spouses’ Views about a Women’s Issue?” by Eiji Yamamura, “The Political Gender Gap: Gender Bias in Facial Inferences that Predict Voting Behavior” by Joan Chiao, Nicholas E. Bowman, and Harleen Gill, “Political Context and the Turnout of New Women Voters after Suffrage” by Kevin Corder and Christina Wolbrecht and lastly, “The Gender Gap” by Karen Kaufmann. I chose this order to present the articles that I found because I wanted to have consistent spacing of articles about the gender gap spread out. That is the main focus of this paper, but there are other things to consider, therefore I chose the second and fourth articles for their behavior topics. Throughout this paper, the five peer reviewed articles listed above will be broken down, explained and summarized. By the end of this paper, what I hope to accomplish is to share research about the gender gap and women’s voting behavior as well as present a research question that I do not think has been answered and a solution to my question. The question I would like to present is what really controls gender gaps? The end result of what I hope this paper will accomplish is to present some research on the gender gap and other women voting behaviors as well as present my own questions
Cited: Bennett, Linda. “The Gender Gap: When an Opinion Gap is not a Voting Bloc.” Social Science Quarterly (University of Texas Press). Issue 3 (1986): 613-625. ( Chiao, Joan, Nicholas E. Bowman, and Harleen Gill. “The Political Gender Gap: Gender Bias in Facial Inferences that Predict Voting Behavior.” PLoS ONE. Issue 10 (2008): 1-7. ( Corder, Kevin, and Christina Wolbrecht. “Political Context and the Turnout of New Women Voters after Suffrage.” Journal of Politics. Issue 1 (2006): 34-49. ( Kaufmann, Karen. “The Gender Gap.” PS: Political Science & Politics. Issue (2006): 1-8. ( Yamamura, Eiji. “How Do Female Spouses’ Political Interests Affect Male Spouses’ Views about a Women’s Issue?” Atlantic Economic Journal. Issue 3 (2010): 359-370. (