On June 8th 793ce foreign ships brought an unexpected surprise to the Lindisfarne monastery, the Northmen had arrived. This attack marked the beginning of the Viking Age, an era of raids that shook the western world until its end at the battle of Hastings in 1066. These Northmen arrived and promptly the “heathen miserably destroyed God's church by rapine and slaughter .” It is important to note that the Vikings had an oral tradition and no known sources exist depicting events from their perspective. “We see the attack through the eyes of the victims, who spread the word that the Vikings were bloody and violent. In fact, they were violent, but no more than anyone else at the time. Compared to Charlemagne’s armies, the Vikings were amateurs.…
The women in Europe’s High Middle Ages also had many responsibilities with regards to her family, and her community. 90% of the women living Europe’s High Middle Ages lived in rural areas, so they had some form of farm work to be doing. Other roles would be housekeeping, such as cleaning up their residence, prepare food for family consumption, and looking after their children. Women in the High Middle Ages had one main purpose, and that is child bearing. Since most women lived in farms, the husband needed more help in the fields, so the wife would produce as much children as she could, so they can fulfill that need. In many towns, women would have found it difficult to advance into a trade…
Over all, women of the Middle Ages had no major roles in society. They lived to serve men and did so willingly. They had no real power, unless they were magical or non-human. This can be seen in Beowulf, as Grendel’s mother is a demon. Women were commonly known as seducing, and displaying the characteristics of a siren, which can be derived from all of the texts. Women of higher class were treated better, and were decorated in fine jewelry and clothing. Although women had no major parts in society, they were still respected and seen as…
Women in the book seem to only serve mead, provide entertainment, and serve the men. In the time Beowulf was written women had still not gained that rights they have today. They were of the seen as property rather than a person. And they were treated like so. The role of women back then was not a big one, Hrothgar’s wife was a queen! And all she did was serve mead at Heorot. I can only imagine what women who were not married to powerful men had to endure.…
Conflict is the cornerstone for every tale, epic and anecdote, and has been even before written word. Without conflict, in essence, there is nothing to talk about, no interest, no engine to drive the characters towards an ending. Said conflict can come from many source; however, the most common conflicts can come from some form of a breach of decorum or propriety. This is defined as “correct or proper behavior that shows respect and good manners” or “behavior that is accepted as socially or morally correct and proper” by Merriam-Webster. In a literary sense, this is when a character doesn’t meet the expectations of their position or role that is considered “normal”. Typical gender roles are a huge standard that is more or less understood by the general population of a culture. There is an idea of how men act in comparison to women and the differences between them.…
Figuratively speaking, the Odyssey is a story created and controlled by women, and consequently, the plot revolves around the actions of women. The women in the poem could be divided up into two major groups: the seductresses, such as Circe, the sirens, and Calypso, who attempt to hinder or stop Odysseus from reaching his home, and helpers, such as Nausicaa, Arete, and perhaps most importantly Athena, who all aid Odysseus in his homecoming. These two sides of “help” and “hinder” are clearly separated, and only one woman is able to rise above these two roles: Penelope.…
The Iliad of Homer, showed women as being items of exchange for the men who had possessed them. They are shown in their social roles as mothers and wives. He states stereotypical characterizations of them. The reader understands that women are being treated as prizes, and that the male hero has to win or he'd have to resist fulfilling his heroic destiny. The characters of Hera and Athena, who are among the immortals, they are certainly strong women. Hera is the wife of Zeus and queen of the Olympians. She tricked her husband so that she is able to play with in the affairs of the Trojan War. The goddess of wisdom, and war, Athena attacked Ares two different occasions and still had to have him flee to Mount Olympus in defeat.…
The fall of Rome began in the early middle Ages. Pope Gregory established the western Church of Rome. Women played great roles in the Middle Ages. Women were in control of the convent of nuns. The king was the top leader in the land of the Feudal System that contributed to the hard working farmers who were labeled as peasant. The head merchant was the owner of everything in the villages including the crops, the town, and the peasants. The Cathedral Churches of England were the most impressive of the Middle Ages. The family was the fundamental part of social order and women played a significant role at every level of feudal…
The Celtic society was typically more equal in terms of gender…
Human beings have documented the differences in gender roles as far back in history as is currently known. It is very difficult to compare Greek and Roman ideals with those of modern day since the cultures are so socially dissimilar. I will present both the common and uncommon ways in which each culture defined the roles of each gender.…
A woman’s roll in today’s society is just about as equal as a mans, or any other persons that I know. A woman may vote, work a “guys” job or even run or manage a company. The question is, what was a women’s roll in society in the 1500’s or later? What did a woman do in the house hold, or business? Women’s rights were not always that of a mans so how did women live back in the day of our ancestors? Those are the questions I will be getting to the bottom of. A women’s role in the world open to a new perspective in one small paper. Close your eyes and try to picture a medieval woman. I wonder, was she a woman sitting near a window, doing needlework and waiting for her lord to come home from battle? These images have been branded not only in our minds but the general public as well through literature and current media such as motion pictures and romantic fiction. How realistic of a picture does this pose to the general public? These women did needlework yes, but could also be a very influential force in medieval society. Depending on your definition of power, these women exercised much more power or "influence" than many resources have revealed to us in the past. If you think of power as the ability to act effectively on persons or things, and authority or influence as recognized and legitimized power, women could use power quite often and authority was reserved for men.…
Women demonstrated many periods of gains as well as setbacks. One period of gain dates back to 800 B.C.E. - 600 C.E. in Greece. According to Greek mythology women had a lot of freedom. They had freedom when it came to sex and their relationships. Evidence from Amazonian myths suggest that something other than a society ran by men existed. This is a huge deal considering the rest of the world is run by men and saw women as the weaker sex. There was no class structure at this time and women were able to make a lot of their own decisions. The matrilineal system was a setback. This system stopped tracing descent from the female side and started tracing it from a male side. In turn Gods were added to Greek mythology making it to where goddesses’ weren’t central anymore. This influenced the idea that women were inferior when it came to politics, religion, and social realms.…
In The Odyssey, Homer creates characters that embody many aspects of human nature to reflect his observations about his world and society. Many of the characters have personalities that define them to be heroic, or borderline evil. Throughout Odysseus’ return home from Troy, he meets important women of both kinds. Homer portrays some women that are ideal, and more women that are immoral. Through Homer, we learn that women in Ancient Greece could be assumed to use their beauty and seductiveness for unjust purposes, whereas the rare faithful ones were to be treasured.…
Throughout the texts we have read in class, including in the ones examined closely in this paper (namely Lanval, The Wife’s Lament, and Chaucer’s The Wife of Bath’s Tale) women consistently appear as powerful beings. This introduces a certain amount of threat simply because the woman’s position in medieval society was largely guided by the principles in the Bible – and thus, women were treated as “lesser” according to writings that stated that they weren’t allowed to teach, were to submit to the men in their life, and were to avoid “playing the whore” (Leviticus 21:9). The texts, then, will often attempt to rid those women of their powerful status or explain why they do not deserve it. At the very least,…
The treatment and stigma towards women is constantly evolving. It varies from country to country, and it changing even today. As war driven cultures started to take over, freedom and respect for women decreased in ancient societies. Their freedom, rights, and societal status were ever changing in history. For this paper, the focus will be on the Ancient Minoa, Classical Athens, and the Roman Empire.…