Women in combat In the article, “Military women in Combat: Why making it official matters” composed by Jena McGregor, the author clearly makes a strong stance regarding women in the military. One point being, that at least 14,00 new jobs were made unrestricted, while 250,00 jobs in the military still remain restricted to men only. The main point in the article is difficult to point out at first , because the author seems to be in favor for women’s advancement in the military without combat and gives example to support her argument.…
Women have been allowed to have many jobs but should they be allowed to go to war? According to Rebecca Zissou on the Women Warriors article, a publication that talks about women combatants. “they aren't allowed to compete for a spot in the regiment because they are women”. This, of course, should be an issue when it comes down to these situations. The women should be treated the same way as a man. When it comes to these situations women are not treated equally as men, when that shouldn't happen for one reason. The reason is that women have the same rights as men. Women should be able to apply themselves to any job/career they want. Why remove those rights when it comes to women warriors?…
Women should be able to fight in battle. I mean why shouldn’t they? Men fight in battle, why can’t women fight? Women could be just as strong and as fast as a man in battle. There are some women today and throughout history that have gone to the battlefield in secret.…
But why you ask? Here are just a few things people might say to argue against women being able to cooperate in combat duties. Opposing side: There's always the risk of a woman getting pregnant. They've had woman getting pregnant right before deployment or finding out during their deployment and have to get shipped back immediately. Me: Yeah, if a woman was serious about her job, she would take better precautions before going out. If anyone does get pregnant, neither the man nor the woman is ready for the job then. Opposing side: They don't have the strength. What if they were going out into battle and one of their men collapsed, and couldn't get up on his own. Not only would they be able to pick them up, there's like 30 more pounds of equipment on them. Me: They don't let women with no strength out into combat. They get training, a lot of training, and only the strong, smart, fast women get sent…
The idea that women should not go into combat is slowly being changed. In an article from The San Diego Union Tribune author Gretel Kovach states that Marine Corps are planning to open ground combat jobs to women for there might be some benefits (Kovach). The Marine Corps are one of the toughest American military branches and…
Although female soldiers have recently been allowed to take jobs in previously all-male battalions, over 250,000 combat jobs still remain closed to them. Some argue that this unfairly limits career growth, while others contend that women are not able to withstand the physical and psychological nature of combat. Do you think that women should be able to serve in combat positions? Why or why not?…
One hundred years have passed, and women have marched forward, quite literally. Women have progressed from being strictly wives and teachers to soldiers on the front line; therefore, they should be treated the same as men. Not only are women capable of fighting beside a man in the military now, but they are also great at many other positions in the military such as nurses and pilots. Girls being included in the selective services would increase the size and power of the US army when the time came. Women have most of the same rights as men do living in the United States. Women should not be excluded from the draft because men think women are not equal. Women have the same freedom as men, therefore women should have to fight for it like men as…
The question lately has been if women should be allowed to fight alongside men in combat. I believe that they should. If not it is sexist, women can do just as fine as men, and the women should be able to defend the country they live in. Women generally make up about 14 percent of the armed services. Of the roughly 2.2 million troops who've served in Iraq and Afghanistan, more than 255,000 have been women, said Pentagon spokeswoman Eileen Lainez. Pentagon figures show that as of Jan. 3, 110 women had been killed in the war in Iraq compared with about 4,300 men. In the Afghan campaign, 24 women have been killed compared with more than 1,400 men. French, German, Danish, and Canadian women are all now serving in their countries direct ground combat forces. Take Krista, for instance. In Somalia in 1993, during the time of the Black Hawk Down battle, she was a 21-year-old Army specialist, armed with an M16 and an aluminum baseball bat. She's five-foot-nine and comes from solid Slovak stock, 180 pounds of muscle.…
Women should be allowed to serve in combat roles in the military because it is their constitutional right. They have the right to fight for our country if they chose to do so. Women should be judged on their individual skills and abilities just like men are. Women should be treated equally. If women are allowed to serve in combat, it doesn 't mean that every woman will enter. People against allowing women to serve in combat are generalizing all women. Men and women should be judged on their individual abilities and not on their gender. In the article, "Women in Combat? Some Marines React", Defense Secretary Panetta states, "Not everyone is going to be able to be a combat soldier, but everyone is entitled to a chance". Panetta…
Do you agree or disagree with women participating in combat? I agree that all woman should have the right to fight in combat because you shouldn’t look at what gender they are but see what their strength and weakness are in fighting in combat. In my opinion I think some females fight harder and smarter then man in the military. They should be recognized for what they deserved in the military. Although, now military women almost forms one-sixth of U.S. armed forces, but they were assigned in lower position such as nursing. Over 80 percent of military jobs are now open to women, the DOD moved in 1994 to ban women from serving in “combat operations” means short-range field artillery, special Forces, and infantry, the soldiers who fought on feet.…
There are many pros and cons about the subject and frankly, it could be considered a controversial issue because there are so many different viewpoints on it. After doing extensive research on the subject, I’ve found a few articles that state both pros and cons of women in combat. It has been an eye opening subject to read about after knowing that there are some articles that have been written by actual women that were in combat at one point during their military service. First, let’s start off with some of the pros of having women on the front lines. After reading an article on sistersinarms.ca, I was able to find many quite a few pros defending a woman’s right to be able to serve her…
Women have done incredible things within the history of the world. They have proven time and time again that they are equal in just about every way with the opposite gender. However now the question of whether they can or even should fight beside men in combat has come up. Many people think that because almost the whole world has recognized that each individual has all the same basic rights, regardless of their gender or race, that everyone can do the same job equally. This is simply not true and women should not be allowed to serve in combat roles.…
There are some downfalls to having women in combat. Some women may not be as fit as the all the men. This…
We think that women should be allowed to go to combat. My biggest reason because men and women are equal. There are so many reasons I think women are equal to men. For example the first reason is because of the 19th amendment. Because of the 19th amendment women got the right to vote. Women waited 70 years till the 19th amendment was passed. Because of this law women got the right not only to vote but also to get jobs, and their education just like how men were allowed to do. Women were tired of just being that stay at home mom only cleaning and taking care of the kids. They wanted to go out and have their freedom and go get jobs and have the same rights as men had. So they fought for it till they finally got what they wanted the 19th amendment to pass and have equal rights as men. They went on hunger strikes and went to jail for pro-testing. If they can handle hunger and the entire miss treating people did to them they can handle going to combat with men if they wanted to.…
Putting woman in higher military combats is a great decision. It increases military strength and makes an army more diverse but today signs of gender gaps are still present because of the lack of representation for woman serving the military. Females should have the same opportunity as males when it comes to joining the military and woman are credible to serve in the army regardless of gender because females have served the army for centuries deserving the right to fight with their male counterparts. Females should be able to serve in higher military combats and pursue what they wish to fight for regardless…