The plot is hard to understand and it's not very exciting either. It doesn't have the same effect on the audience now that it did 76 years ago, we laugh when it's meant to be scary because our expectations of films are much higher due to better SFX, plots and acting
The morals of Victorian England were developed and maintained around …show more content…
reputation and were much different to what they are now. Now England is more politically correct.
We no longer see women as weaker as or less able than men because we all treat each other the same.
Women would have stayed at home doing the house work in the 19th century and should not have been seen a "sex" symbols as the character Hyde sees them. A modern audience would view this quite mixed. As a) many see that society should be fair and that women should work and b) although many women today are not seen as "sex" symbols people in the 19 century would see a bare table leg offensive let alone a woman's
The camera work is quite careless with random shots of people that could be portrayed much better with other shots this would make the audience get distracted and agitated. Close ups are used when a medium long shot could have been used. Although some shots are very effective like the focus on Muriel when Dr. Jekyll is saying how much he loves her, you see her face clearly. This makes the audience concentrate more on what's happening with the characters and not the scenery
Props are basic in this film. For example Jekyll's laboratory is just a plain laboratory decorated with some bottles which is just boring and would put the audience off. However the main house of Jekyll is more extravagant with lots of paintings and pillars. This really adds extravagance and makes the audience think of the life he's throwing away. But this is too obvious in modern day cinema and would make the film boring and
The characters think they know it all and are always cocky, throwing their weight around as if they are "the best" and that if they don't believe in things that it must be a lie.
But all the above the awful acting, prop, costumes etc this makes the audience see how the Victorian 1930's was, society was based on maintain an reputation and that people had to sometimes suppress their feelings and curiousness because it might have been seen as disrespectful.
This film should not be re-released because its plot has no relevance to today's audience as the times are so much different and much more advanced in many ways such as acting, props, and most importantly society. Also the film quality is extremely poor and overall acting, props, and the way things are portrayed is dreadful.